$19.99 1


Dlask Arms Barrel for 10/22, Carbon Fiber, Various Lengths

Dlask Arms Barrel for 10/22, Carbon Fiber, Various Lengths



We have finally got our new carbon fiber wrapped barrels done !

These start as Green Mountain Barrel Co. blanks and are then CNC turned to a ‘pencil’ profile of .625″. Then they are sleeved with precision ground carbon fiber and tensioned up with our proprietary muzzle nut.

They provide the optimum in length vs. weight for any precision rifle build. On average the new CF barrels are only 60% the weight of the comparable .920″ steel barrel. Available in either bead blasted stainless steel or blued 4140 carbon steel. Use the drop down menu to choose you barrel material and length.

As a comparison, below are the listed weights for both our .920″ ‘Bull’ profile steel barrel and these new carbon wrapped barrels :

Bull 12.5″ = 1 kg

CF 12.5″ = .6 kg

Bull 16.5″ = 1.4 kg

CF 16.5″ = .84 kg

Bull 18.5″ = 1.6 kg

CF 18.5″ = .95 kg

***Will require some slight hand fitting to mate to the receiver. For best results this should be done by a competent gunsmith.

Additional information

Weight 1.8 kg

8" Blued, 8" SS, 12.5" Matte Blued, 12.5" SS, 16.5" Blued, 16.5" SS, 18.5" Blued, 18.5" SS, 12.5" Polish Blued

contact us

1 (604) 952-0837


# 16 7167 Vantage Way
Delta, BC, V4G 1K7, Canada


Monday – Friday 8.00am – 3.30pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

No drop-ins, please call for appointment.
